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Is Anyone Coming To Save Us?

Filed in Articles by Michelle Walling by on July 2, 2015

arcturians save us
By Michelle Walling, CHLC

You have heard the phrases “We are the ones we have been waiting for”, and “No one is coming to save us”. When I first heard these phrases, something did not feel right with the way they were presented. The answer to the question, “Is anyone coming to save us” is a resounding yes, and no at the same time.

There have been a few brainwashed people who have tried to say that Earth is not a prison planet. If you believe them, you would buy into the story that the current state of Earth is that it is a wondrous school where lessons are learned and we should be grateful for our experience here because we signed up for this. Yes, Earth was this in the past but this template was hijacked. You can see both the truth and the untruth in the statement that Earth is just a school, depending upon what timeline you are experiencing.

Unraveling the truth is not only tricky but shocking as well. It takes a certain level of objectivity and “innerstanding” to be able to handle the truth without going insane or getting depressed. The majority of the planet has no idea that there is a force field around our planet that stretches into the solar system and beyond that not only traps us but those who are working to enslave us. How could you explain this to someone who isn’t open minded enough to believe in life on other planets, much less that this planet was taken over by a small group of archons or artificial intelligent thoughtforms?

When assessing the question “Are we are going to be saved?”, the first thing to do is to feel into the question. How does I make you feel? Does it hit you in the pit of your stomach when you think that we are stranded here with no help, only to fend for ourselves against an enemy that we cannot see?

While some people feel a bad wrenching in the solar plexus at this thought, others feel a sense of empowerment, a knowing that they are here to help free humanity. They know that by waking up to who they are while the majority of humanity is sleeping, they must be here for a very important reason. So, while it is true that we are the ones we have been waiting for and that we volunteered to come to Earth for the experience, there are also others pulling strings to make sure that we are going to be able to do what we came here to do.

The truth is that the time we are living in has been planned out since before the planet was taken over. Source or the creator of this Universe is all knowing, so how would it not know what was going to happen or how it would correct such an imbalance? There is a plan in place beyond our fullest comprehension in our current consciousness that involves helpers from outside of the matrix to assist us in exiting from the prison that we have been trapped in for many cycles upon cycles.

All of creation is cyclical and while it has a beginning and an end, this on only realized in time and space. Since we find ourselves in time and space, we are experiencing the “end times”, where the cycles upon cycles of experience are now coming to a close so that a new experience can be created.

Not only has the end been planned out for a long time, but humanity’s freedom has already happened to our future selves outside of time. Every possibility that has been a thought has a timeline where the thought unraveled and created a probable future. The creators in us collectively experience “reality” based upon choices made from the conscious and subconscious levels of thought. That is truly how powerful we are. The possibilities that do not occur fade further and further away from us and the possibilities that we intend to move toward are magnetized closer and closer. Ultimately the end result is still the same, however how we get there depends upon the creators who are experiencing it.

The helpers can make timeline changes and can bring messages through to the ground crew here on Earth who have a strong connection to them. Although many times the dark was two steps ahead in intercepting these messages and posing as these helpers in order to twist the messages, many have stayed true and clear and have managed to share the original message.

The helpers cannot break the Universal Law Of Free Will choice with us on the planet. However, our free will has been taken from us in a tricky way because we have been coerced so many times through the reincarnation trap to make free will decisions to suffer in various lifetimes so that our emotional energy could be harvested from us. Our memories have been wiped time and time again and false lifetimes have been inserted into our life reviews that made us think our souls needed to balance karma by reincarnating and accepting contracts of suffering and disease. Yes, we chose to come here, but no, we did not choose to be enslaved just to learn lessons in hell.

So the answer to the original question is that yes, we have several soul family members and other groups of helpers that are here watching over us and fighting for our freedom outside of the prison walls. Some have technology that will allow them to come and go through the prison walls when needed or when a prime directive of intervention occurs because a Universal Law has been broken (again) by the oppressors. Some were brave enough to directly incarnate into human bodies, taking the risk of not being able to awaken form the hypnotic slumber.

The caveat is that a critical mass of humans had to wake up and ask for help, and shine their lights so bright that the amount of Source energy could be measured on the planet. Without this critical mass, another timeline of decimation and transmutation could have occurred. Earth and the experience of incarnating into a human body on her may not have been an option on this timeline, and all of the work put into creating the living library would be reversed into another form of energy.

The task for a soul to send forth an aspect of itself into a human body and to “wake up” probably could not have been done without help. Humanity may not have even made it this far in this war against unseen predators without help from all beings that have dedicated themselves as helpers.

The overall plan to free humanity goes way beyond this planet and our solar system. In fact, the oppressors that are here enslaving humanity are only following orders and have not realized until now that they are actually slaves themselves. They have been so busy fighting for their own survival that they fell for the same entrapment tricks firm their hierarchical lords that they were using on humans.

The oppressors are trapped and their vibrational frequency will not be able to be maintained as Earth raises her frequency. What happens to Earth does not stay in this solar system, it affect the whole Universe. This sounds really important, doesn’t it? Common sense says that anything as important as raising the frequency of the whole Universe and ridding it of the cancer that has plagued it for eons by transmuting it back to a neutral state surely isn’t solely in the hands of humans stuck in a meat suit that was deliberately cut off from creator mentally, physically, and spiritually.

We are in the last days of the war on consciousness. A wave of Source energy is being blasted from the center of the cosmos that will affect every single cell on the planet. Source is healing itself and we will finally be able to live without cutthroat survival instincts. Source is love and anything without love will be transmuted. Parasites will be dissolved and only those who choose to connect with Source for their energy will be able to exist in the healed Universe.

Do not buy into fear propaganda that we have this huge responsibility to do this alone. Yes, we have to choose to be a part of the transformation, and yes, we are powerful fractals of Source, and yes there will come a time that we will be able to fully stand in our power as such to heal everything that is out of balance. While we make the shift to that point, we have an infinite number of beings helping us and waiting to be called upon for assistance in being able to make an informed choice towards freedom.


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